Exciting Win: CF Montreal Triumphs 4-2 in a Thrilling Match! #MLS

Footy Game CF Montreal

It was fantastic game last night!

Top it all off, we won 4-2!

Desperately needed a win so we were ecstatic to see them put 4 goals.

I was screaming so loud that I even lost me voice lol

I'm thankful for the people who joined us in the lodge last night, too.

They were so fun.

Especially lovely Pat.

She's 80 something but she was into the game so much that she stood cheering for almost the whole match!

What a sweetheart.

Well she is a Brit after all.

A footy game with a bit of liquor and she is right up at the front cheering the boys with her fists in the air.

Watching her enjoy the game was the highlight of my night.