Embracing Life's Joys with Italian Cuisine #Enjoy#Life#Italian

Chicken Cutlet

Hello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com)again.

Our friends, D&J, became massive Italian fans ever since they visited a few cities in Italy for their honeymoon.

I, too, love my Italian friends and food although I don't have much good memories while I lived there short period of time.

They love Italian food so much that they learnt how to cook many Italian dishes at home.

Last night, they cooked us all Italian Chicken Cutlet.

They served us Charcuterie first and with the main, they served us Caprese Salad.

Of course, you've got to have pasta, too, right?

They served us spaghetti with tomato sauce (I wonder if they made the sauce. I didn't ask...).

Everything was fantastic.

I stayed hungry all day because of both training and diet, I could have cleaned up all dishes but I kept my urges under control lol.

I really appreciate how we are living right now.

Need to enjoy and make the best of it right?