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A Stylish Evening of Pool and Delicious Corn with Sue's Decorative Touch ✨ #TableSetting

Sue's Table Setting'T was a hot day!Sue and Don invited a few of our friends for an evening of pool and pool side dinner last night.They have been away from home travelling and couldn't celebrate birthdays (including mine) so they decided …

Discover Orville Peck: A Voice Like No Other🌟 #CountryMusic

Orville PeckHello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com)again.I've just written about my current favourite artist, "Orville Peck".He is so hot and his voice!!!www.keviko.com Have a listen yourself, too❣️Midnight RideOrville Peck, Kylie Minogue & DiploC…

Exciting Win: CF Montreal Triumphs 4-2 in a Thrilling Match! #MLS

Footy Game CF Montreal It was fantastic game last night!Top it all off, we won 4-2! この投稿をInstagramで見る CF Montréal(@cfmontreal)がシェアした投稿 Desperately needed a win so we were ecstatic to see them put 4 goals.I was screaming so …

Laughable Restaurant Sign (if in Japanese)

A store signHello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com).On the building where my masseuse has her office, there is one massive sign that makes me laugh every time I see it.I'm sure if you are Japanese, you get it why.It's a restaurant sign but what do…

Chill and Grill: Jacuzzi Delight After a Long Drive #Gratitude

JacuzziHello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). It's good to have friends.It's also good to have friends who have things.Like "Jacuzzi"After a long drive and a day, we stopped by at friends' house for a nice BBQ dinner and a dip in the jacuzzi.Wha…

Moon Photography Fail: Laughing at Last Night's Mishap 🌙📸 #TGIF

Hello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). WTF was I doing 🤣🤣🤣I was trying to take a photo of the Moon last night.And I took this instead LMAOI guess I won't be a photographer lol Well, it's TGIF🎉Have a wonderful weekend 🫶🏼 ランキング参加中【公式】2024年…

Me Feelings in Rain

cloudy skyHello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). When did I see the sun last??I can't even remember.Every day for the past few months, it's been like this.It was snow in the winter and it just became rain instead...I'm sure these gloomy weather …

Why is rainbow so pretty?

RainbowHello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). Saw a rainbow yesterday as we drove back home from dinner.Why is rainbow so pretty?What do you think? My husband took this photo by the way. ランキング参加中海外生活ランキング参加中【公式】2024年開設…

At a diner

Hello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). While waiting for our food to come at a diner we like. ランキング参加中雑談・日記を書きたい人のグループランキング参加中【公式】2024年開設ブログランキング参加中海外生活ランキング参加中セクシャルマイノリティ…

Saturday Drive: A Lazy Afternoon Adventure

Hello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). An early Saturday afternoon.We took a lazy drive around towns near where we live.It's nice to be driven around innit. ランキング参加中雑談・日記を書きたい人のグループランキング参加中【公式】2024年開設ブログ…


Hello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com). I took this photo right around 20:00. The day has gotten long hasn't it.It's finally Friday and the end of the work week. Felt like this week never ended.The next week will be another one of those weeks... …