

Verdict and Celebration


Hello, it's Kevin( @keviko.com).

For what are we cheering?

After hearing THE verdict yesterday, husband was like "we need at least a small celebration for the occasion"😂

We had already planned to go to our favourite Italian restaurant so we ordered glasses of Prosecco and cheered for the juries of the case.

It is still unthinkable to me, for someone who is convicted of felony to even have a chance to become the President of US but if the law allows and if that's the will of the people, I guess it is still happening.

But how can a person with a felony conviction get the security clearance?

How does that work?

They say if there is a will. there is a way but politically very volatile years are still ahead in US for a long time to come...


プロセッコ(Prosecco)はイタリア・ヴェネト州、(フリウリヴェネチアジューリア州)で作られる白のスパークリングワイン。通常、DOCワイン、プロセッコ・ディ・コネリアーノ(Prosecco di Conegliano)のことを指す。

